Progressive action alerts updated regularly
Editor: NR DAVIS

Monday, May 18, 2009

Will anyone call Specter on his flip-flop?

From: Liz Cattaneo, American Rights at Work

2005: Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania co-sponsors the Employee Free Choice Act.

2007: Specter is one of the few courageous Republicans to vote for the bill.

2009: Specter says he'll vote against it. What happened?

Long story short: Specter bowed to pressure from the corporate lobbyists and right-wing groups desperate to block the Employee Free Choice Act. But you and I can put pressure on as well – we can show him his flip-flop has consequences.

We're launching a new TV ad that tells Specter to stand on the side of workers – not greedy CEOs. And at the same time, with your help, we're going to flood his office with calls.

Watch our new ad – then CALL Senator Specter's office and tell him not to sell out America's workers.

Video: Our new TV ad, "Right Thing."

For many years, Senator Specter was a strong supporter of the Employee Free Choice Act. But now that he's siding with anti-union groups, he's said he'll actively work to block the bill from even coming to a vote!

That's why it's so important that people all across the country keep the pressure on him.

Please make a QUICK phone call today (it takes under a minute!), then forward this to all your friends.

Call Senator Specter's office toll-free at (888) 890-4648.

One of Specter's interns will probably answer. Tell him or her you're calling to ask Senator Specter to vote YES on the Employee Free Choice Act. Most calls end right there, but you can add:

The Employee Free Choice Act is crucial to working families.
I'm disappointed in the Senator's reversal on this issue and hope he'll do the right thing after co-sponsoring the bill in 2005.
The recession has hit middle-class families the hardest, and this bill is a critical piece of our economic recovery.

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to tell us that you called.

President Obama, large majorities in both houses of Congress, and 73 percent of the public support the Employee Free Choice Act. Show Senator Specter that America wants this bill – make a one-minute call today.

Thanks for all that you do to support America's working families.