Progressive action alerts updated regularly
Editor: NR DAVIS

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lack of water leads to Indian suicides - HELP!

From Care2

There is terrible news out of the state of Chattisgarh in India -- more than 1,500 farmers have committed suicide. The reasopn: They rely on farming to survive. And there is no water for their crops.

Please take action: Support access to clean water around the world.

The crop failures are causing farmers to fall into ever deepening levels of debt until there's no escape except via death. This is dramatic evidence of what researchers have been saying for years: access to clean water is one of the simplest and best ways to help poor communities. Not only do you help people avoid the terrible health problems associated with dirty water, but you also help ensure the livelihood for those who depend on agriculture to survive. 

Too many are held back by dirty water -- please act today. »

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