Progressive action alerts updated regularly
Editor: NR DAVIS

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

ALERT: Promote Local and Diverse Radio

One way: Support and promote what we're trying to do at GDPR. Write the station manager for details. Thanks in advance; we really need the help so that we can continue to provide Baltimore and the world with progressive news, vital information and viewpoints largely ignored by corporate media, and indie artists. Of course, we are an Internet public radio station -- terrestrial radio is off-limits to us right now.

But there is an additional way and, who knows, perhaps this can give this station a means of expanding to the terrestrial airwaves... This action alert comes from FreePress, whose excellent weekly program "Media Minutes" airs on GDPR.

This fall may be our last chance to reclaim a part of the radio dial for the public.

In October, the FCC will open a short window to issue full-power, noncommercial radio licenses. The FCC is asking for public comment on whether it should limit groups from owning more than 10 of these new stations nationwide.

We think such a limit is a good idea that will help promote local and diverse radio.

Over the past few decades, local radio stations have been swallowed up by a handful of large commercial conglomerates. The result has been cookie-cutter radio programming that sounds the same anywhere you go.

Without a limit on the new licenses, any noncommercial entity could apply for thousands of full power FM radio stations and destroy this rare chance to put local issues and local voices back on the air. And it will be a long time before any more licenses become available.

This is the time to speak up. The FCC is only collecting comments on this issue for one week. Take Action Now: Support Local Radio