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Editor: NR DAVIS

Friday, June 19, 2009

Urge ABC to ask President Obama about why single payer is off the table

From: ProsperityAgenda.US <>
Date: Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 2:02 PM
Subject: Urge ABC to ask President Obama about why single payer is off the table

This Monday President Obama will be discussing health care on ABC.

You can urge ABC to ask President Obama about why single payer is off the table by going to: and putting in your comment.

I'm sure you can come up with your own suggestions, but here are some ideas:

- State Senator Obama in 2003 said he supported single payer but "we had to win back the White House, Senate and House before we could do it." Well, the Democrats have won back all three and now President Obama is not considering single payer but instead is bowing to the insurance industry. Why is single payer not being considered?

- As Congress works on health care reform they are finding the cost of covering everyone is exorbitant. Indeed, it no longer seems possible with the CBO estimating that the most robust plan would leave 36 million uninsured in ten years. Under single payer everyone would have access to health care and it would be affordable because $400 million in insurance costs would be no longer in the equation. Why is single payer not being considered?

- Polls show the most popular health care reform among Americans is a single payer system. Why is single payer not being considered?

- Aren't you just going to pour hundreds of billions into a failed system? Hospitals have more billing agents to deal with the insurance industry than nurses, often one administrator per bed. Your proposal does nothing to end the waste of the insurance industry because you have taken single payer off the table. Why not put single payer first since it puts patients before the insurance industry?

- President Obama has said that he would support single payer if the U.S. were starting from scratch. Well, it is looking more and more like the U.S. needs to start from scratch. The Congress is divided on key issues, the public health option looks unlikely, isn't it time to consider single payer?

- How will you prevent the public option, if it passes, from being the place where all the chronically ill, high risk patients go while the private insurance industry cherry picks the low cost patients thereby increasing their profits? Isn't single payer the only fair way to provide health care access for all?

- Candidate Obama promised to change Washington, DC so that the corporate powers did not control policy, well on health care President Obama is doing the opposite. He is letting the corporate powers - the insurance, HMO and pharmaceutical industries -- run health care. He has insurance company representatives speaking first and last at his White House health care meeting. At the same time single payer is not being considered by Obama. Why is single payer off the table? Are the corporate powers still in charge?

Please write ABC now and let them know you want single payer questions when they interview Obama. Go to: and putting in your comment.

Thank you.


Kevin Zeese
Executive Director

ProsperityAgenda.US is a project of Campaign for Fresh Air and Clean Politics

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