Progressive action alerts updated regularly
Editor: NR DAVIS

Friday, May 01, 2009

Bar Owners, Restaurants, Clubs, Etc.: A Way to Help Progressive Causes

From Baltimore Do-Gooders:

If you are a restaurant or music venue and are open to have a fundraiser to benefit a local/national progressive/GLBT organization or cause, PLEASE post your interest level.

For example:

What % of door or food/bar do you give to the cause?
How many people do you want the volunteer group to get?
What day of the week/hours would work best for you?

Just a thought, but in this economically hard time, community service groups need to do fundraisers and businesses financially benefit as well as creating a better image. Win Win.

(If you aren't on Facebook, why not? It's a superb tool for active citizens -- and YOU control your privacy.)

The special meetup/discussion space on Facebook is a place to make it easier for both community endeavors and businesses can meet up and create some awesome events! When created, let me know and I will put them on the Baltimore Do-Gooders wall to offer more promotion.

Thanks for participating!!!!