Progressive action alerts updated regularly
Editor: NR DAVIS

Friday, September 19, 2008

Keep Harmful Pesticides Out of Salmon Rivers!

from Earthjustice:

The federal government has the opportunity -- and the duty -- to protect people and salmon from dangerous pesticides. You know that the government is hearing from the chemical companies. Let them hear from you!



Three toxic pesticides used heavily in the United States -- chlorpyrifos, diazinon, and malathion -- can harm children and farmworkers, poison wildlife, and taint food and drinking water. Despite well-documented hazards, the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) allows homeowners, farmers, and others to use these poisons in ways that harm salmon and steelhead.

Fortunately, a recent scientific analysis from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) could force EPA to adopt new restrictions on the use of these pesticides in the Pacific Northwest and California. In a draft study called a "biological
opinion" released on July 31, 2008, NMFS concluded that chlorpyrifos, diazinon, and malathion are contaminating rivers and streams and jeopardizing protected salmon and steelhead.

NMFS is now working to finalize the biological opinion and determine what measures are needed to help keep these pesticides out of salmon waters. The chemical companies are lobbying to weaken these measures. The federal government needs to hear from you!

DO SOMETHING! Please urge NMFS to adopt strong measures to protect Pacific salmon from these poisons. It is their responsibility under the Endangered Species Act. And by keeping these pesticides out of salmon and steelhead habitat, NFMS will also be helping to ensure that these poisons are kept out of our drinking water supplies.
