Progressive action alerts updated regularly
Editor: NR DAVIS

Friday, September 05, 2008

Iraq Agreement Draft Available; TAKE ACTION to Stop Attack on Iran

From the American Friends Service Committee

What will happen next year when the current U.N. mandate for a multinational military presence in Iraq expires?

U.S. and Iraqi negotiators have tackled that subject and hammered out a draft agreement. You haven't heard much about it in the English-speaking media. But when my AFSC colleague Raed Jarrar found an Arabic-language version of the agreement, he translated it. And we posted it on our web site.

This is the first known public English translation of the document, It's breaking news, and we want to share this important information with you.

Stay tuned for more ways to help create peace and heal the wounds of war in Iraq. If you like, pass it along to your friends.

Oppose the Iran Blockade

While we're working to end the war and occupation in Iraq, we’re supporting work to prevent a war with Iran. Next week, Congress returns to Washington for a three-week session before adjourning until after the November election.

Please email Congress today to ensure that we don't pass legislation that inflames the tensions between the U.S. and Iran. Join with AFSC and our partners at Friends Committee on National Legislation and ask your representative to vote against any legislation that would discourage the United States from engaging in unconditional, face-to-face diplomatic talks with Iran.

In particular, urge your representative to vote against the Iran sanctions legislation, H. Con. Res. 362. This legislation effectively calls for a blockade of Iran and a travel ban on all Iranian officials, including diplomats, which would make all but impossible the negotiations that are key to preventing a war. Blocking all oil imports to Iran would punish the country's people, not their government.

What the draft includes:

Troop withdrawal:
Combat troops only.

Permanent bases with troop presence indefinitely.

Full immunity from arrest, detention, or legal accountability for actions by U.S. troops and contractors inside and outside U.S. bases.

When it could take effect:
When "diplomatic memos confirming all constitutional procedures have been met in both countries are exchanged" upon proper parliamentary approval.

Read the entire document. (PDF file)