Progressive action alerts updated regularly
Editor: NR DAVIS

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Anti-GLBT John McCain is No Maverick

from the Human Rights Campaign

This week, you're probably seeing countless news stories about John McCain's "maverick" record. But did you know...

Two years ago, John McCain campaigned to deny marriage to Arizona GLBT couples.

Now he's publicly supporting the ballot initiative to end marriage equality in California.

And he's even said he wouldn't rule out a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage nationwide.

Some maverick, huh?

TAKE ACTION NOW! Tell Sen. McCain: Stop campaigning against marriage equality.

While he'd like you to believe he's a moderate, at the end of the day Sen. McCain marches in lockstep with the anti-GLBT right wing.

His public support for writing discrimination into the California constitution – a measure opposed by Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger – puts him among company like Focus on the Family, the Family Research Council, and their bigoted buddies.

He believes same-sex couples should never be allowed to adopt children.

And regarding the anti-gay constitutional amendment...

At a recent forum at Saddleback Church he said: "...if a federal court decided that my state of Arizona had to observe what the state of Massachusetts decided, then I would favor a constitutional amendment."

Let's get that, um, straight. In other words, he only supports a Constitutional amendment...if he really wants one? McCain dug himself even deeper when he tried to backtrack a few minutes later:

"We have to recognize the unique status of marriage between man and woman...doesn't mean that [GLBT] people can't enter into legal agreements. That doesn't mean that they don't have the rights of all citizens. I'm not saying that."

Actually, that's exactly what it means, Senator. If GLBT Americans don't have marriage rights then they don't have "the rights of all citizens" – simple as that.

(Hmmm... the same thing HRC criticized me for saying to them when they were telling me that marriage equality was not possible back in the '90s.)

Congratulate HRC for finally taking the courageous stand for full equality. And speak out: Sign HRC's and tell Sen. McCain to stop supporting measures that deny committed, adult couples the rights and responsibilities of marriage.

Don't let Sen. McCain get away with embracing discrimination while telling us he's protecting GLBT rights. Don't let him tell us he's a maverick while supporting hate and bigotry.

Sign the petition and then get your friends to do the same. It's important if you want America to be what it pretends to be, a land of equality for all.