Progressive action alerts updated regularly
Editor: NR DAVIS

Monday, October 01, 2007

ALERT: No ENDA Without Trans Protections!

From the Triangle Foundation

Rumors are rampant today that some members of Congress, nervous about right-wing attacks against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, are considering dropping protections for transgender workers from the bill.

Triangle Foundation will not support this legislation unless it includes the same protections for our transgender brothers and sisters as it does for our gay, lesbian and bisexual family.

Please contact your U.S. Representative today and ask them to make sure that transgender workers will also be protected by ENDA! If you don't know how to contact your House member, that information can be found here.

Ed. note: For years, GLB leaders have been all too willing to throw our "transgender brothers and sisters" under the bus and to slam those of us who stood up for the T portion of the GLBT community. Glad to see principle is back!