Progressive action alerts updated regularly
Editor: NR DAVIS

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

ALERT: Call Congress, Support Clean-Energy Bill

An army of auto industry lobbyists is swarming over Capitol
Hill. Their mission? To strangle a clean energy bill in the cradle --
before you and I can enjoy better gas mileage and more renewable

Your member of Congress needs to hear from thousands of
constituents like you right now -- BEFORE that bill hits the
floor. Your one phone call can do more to counter the auto
lobbyists and deliver a clean energy future than any other
single weapon we've got.

Your representative's staffers will be happy to register your
opinion on the energy bill. Tell them you want a STRONG energy
bill with TWO KEY provisions:

  • A guarantee that new passenger vehicles will get an average
    of 35 miles per gallon by 2020.

  • A requirement for utilities to produce 15% of their
    electricity from renewable sources by 2020.

An energy bill with these two centerpiece provisions will cut
America's oil dependence, make a down payment on reducing global
warming pollution, and -- at long last -- usher in a cleaner
energy future.

We've waited two decades for Congress to pass legislation that
could start breaking the chains of our enslavement to the
automakers and Big Oil. We're unlikely to get a second chance
for many years to come.

Please seize this one chance for a clean energy future by
calling your member of Congress today! You can reach legislators
via the Congressional Switchboard at 202-224-3121.