Progressive action alerts updated regularly
Editor: NR DAVIS

Friday, August 17, 2007

ALERT: Stop Bush from Buzz-Sawing Old-Growth Forests

From: Greenpeace USA

George Bush is at it again -- endangering key habitat for endangered species. In order to help wildlife, we need to protect their habitat—not destroy it! Nothing can survive without a place to live. But, Bush and his buddies can’t see the forest through the trees and want to cut everything down.

The Northern Spotted Owl, a creature that depends on old-growth forests to survive, is plummeting towards extinction—so the obvious thing to do is boost protections for ancient forests, right? Wrong! With breath-taking disregard for science and common sense, the Bush administration is proposing to log more old-growth forests as part of its owl “recovery” plan. In fact, they propose buzz-sawing about 25% of the owl’s remaining critical habitat.

This is outrageous and we aren’t going to let them get away with it!

Take Action >> Tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to boost recovery efforts for the Northern Spotted Owl and keep pristine old-growth forests intact for future generations of all species. Add some muscle to your alert by including a personal comment of your own to the letter. Tell Fish and Wildlife why forest and wildlife protection is important to you!

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