Progressive action alerts updated regularly
Editor: NR DAVIS

Friday, August 17, 2007

ALERT: Rove's Going; Let's Give Gonzales the Boot

From: CodePink Women for Peace

On the heels of Karl Rove's resignation, we believe Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should be the next to go. CODEPINK has been a regular presence at every Gonzales hearing, demanding accountability and ethical leadership, and each Monday and Friday, we stand outside the US Department of Justice calling for his resignation (you can see a YouTube video of one of our protests here. Now, Rep. Jay Inslee (D-Wash) has introduced a resolution calling for an impeachment inquiry of Gonzales and we are happy to support this effort. Please sign our petition to impeach Gonzales and ask your Congressperson to sign on.

ALSO: We need a whole slew of Pink Ladies in DC this September to make our collective voice as loud as possible. The month will be full of powerful actions: on September 4, CODEPINK will be welcoming Congress back from their summer vacations with a message of "No More Excuses! Lead us out of Iraq NOW!"; on Sept. 15, we'll join a mass march on Washington, and Sept. 17, we'll lead a People's March through Congress. Click here to find out about all of our planned September actions and sign up to join us in DC.

Thank you for helping us give DC the cleaning of its life!

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