Progressive action alerts updated regularly
Editor: NR DAVIS

Monday, August 27, 2007

ALERT: Marking Women's Equality Day

From International Planned Parenthood Foundation - Western Hemisphere Region

Yesterday (Sunday, Aug. 26) was Women's Equality Day.

Marking the passage of the 19th amendment, which, in 1920, gave women the right to vote, Women's Equality Day reminds us of the importance of our vote and voice in the electoral process.

To celebrate Women's Equality Day, contact the 2008 candidates, calling on them to support sexual and reproductive health and rights both nationally and internationally.

The last eight years have been marked by unfortunate policies, damaging to the provision of sexual and reproductive health services around the world, such as the Global Gag Rule. The 2008 elections mark a significant opportunity to take a stand for all women, men and young people by demanding that our leaders provide funding for evidence-based sexual and reproductive health services and comprehensive sex education.

Click here to exercise your voice!

Tell the presidential candidates to support the elimination of the Global Gag Rule and to pledge increased funding for sexual and reproductive health and rights.