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Editor: NR DAVIS

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Edwards Campaign Continues Despite Wife's Cancer

If the news over the past few hours was to be believed, the John Edwards presidential bid was over, kaput, a done deal. NOT true.

Word had trickled in that spouse Elizabeth Edwards' cancer, thought to be in remission, had returned. It only made sense that the devoted family man would bow out of the campaign to nurse his longtime love. Nope. Edwards announced that indeed Elizabeth's cancer has turned up again, this time within bone, reportedly making it incurable but treatable. But, he said, "The campaign goes on. The campaign goes on strongly." Given Elizabeth's general good health -- it was a cracked rib that led her to the doctor who led her to news of the cancer's recurrence -- and the fact that outside of a broken rib she is otherwise asymptomatic, the couple apparently figured, why not go forward?

On an editorial note, good for them and best wishes for the entire Edwards family. (And shame on the editors who allowed headlines saying "Edwards to suspend presidential campaign" to hit print/air/Web when only the good lord knew what the candidate was going to say at his press conference.)